Lisa Rosenbaum, Leaping without Looking—Duty Hours, Autonomy, and the Risks of Research and Practice, NEJM (Feb. 2, 2016)
Charles Huckabee, Facebook Announces Tighter Guidelines for Research on Its Users, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (Oct. 3, 2014)
Taylor Hatmaker, In Defense of Facebook’s Mood Manipulation Study, THE DAILY DOT (July 19, 2014)
George Dvorsky, Bioethicists Defend Facebook’s Controversial Mood Study, io9 (July 18, 2014)
Andy Thomason, 33 Ethicists Defend Facebook's Controversial Mood Study, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (July 16, 2014)
Charles Huckabee, Facebook Announces Tighter Guidelines for Research on Its Users, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (Oct. 3, 2014)
David Shaywitz, Personalized Regulation: More Than Just Personalized Medicine — And Urgently Required, (Jan. 23, 2013)
Paul Voosen, There Is No Gene for Finishing College, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (May 30, 2013)
Editorial, Dangerous Work: Behavioural Geneticists Must Tread Carefully To Prevent Their Research Being Misinterpreted, Nature v.502 (Oct. 3, 2013)
Charles Huckabee, Facebook Announces Tighter Guidelines for Research on Its Users, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (Oct. 3, 2014)
Taylor Hatmaker, In Defense of Facebook’s Mood Manipulation Study, THE DAILY DOT (July 19, 2014)
George Dvorsky, Bioethicists Defend Facebook’s Controversial Mood Study, io9 (July 18, 2014)
Andy Thomason, 33 Ethicists Defend Facebook's Controversial Mood Study, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (July 16, 2014)
Charles Huckabee, Facebook Announces Tighter Guidelines for Research on Its Users, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (Oct. 3, 2014)
David Shaywitz, Personalized Regulation: More Than Just Personalized Medicine — And Urgently Required, (Jan. 23, 2013)
Paul Voosen, There Is No Gene for Finishing College, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (May 30, 2013)
Editorial, Dangerous Work: Behavioural Geneticists Must Tread Carefully To Prevent Their Research Being Misinterpreted, Nature v.502 (Oct. 3, 2013)
Misha Angrist, "Q&A with Michelle Meyer," GENOME MAGAZINE (Oct. 27, 2017)
Emily Mullin, "As Consumer DNA Testing Grows, Two States Resist," MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW (Sept. 28, 2017)
"What Would Happen If Everyone in the World Lost Their Sex Drive?," GIZMODO (Sept. 18, 2017)
"Our Favorite Bioethicist, Michelle Meyer," Tech Tonics podcast (Aug. 8, 2016)
"A Shopper's Guide to Genome Sequencing Market," STAT's Signal podcast (Dec. 17, 2015)
Erika Check Hayden, Scientists Hope to Attract Millions to 'DNA.Land,' NATURE NEWS (Oct. 9, 2015)
"The Guinea Pig Problem," Oral Argument podcast (Aug. 28, 2015)
Luke Timmerman, Informed Consent Isn't Working. Sage, Apple Just Might Be On To Something Better, TIMMERMAN REPORT (Aug. 24, 2015)
"When Companies Experiment On Us," Public Radio International's Innovation Hub (Aug. 15, 2015)
Kaleigh Rogers, Anti-Vaxxers Have a Plan to Get Around California's New Vaccination Law, MOTHERBOARD (July 13, 2015)
The Tommy Schnurmacher Show, CJAD 800 AM in Montreal (June 24, 2015)
Daniela Hernandez, Scientists Could One Day Create Genetically Modified ‘Designer Babies’ — But Should They?, FUSION (June 17, 2015)
Erika Check Hayden, Consumer DNA Firms Get Serious About Drug Development, NATURE NEWS (Apr. 28, 2015)
This Week in Health Law podcast (Apr. 22, 2015)
Virginia Hughes, Is This Doctors App A Digital Classroom—Or Medical Porn?, BUZZFEED (Apr. 17, 2015)
Susan Gilbert, Facebook’s Foray Into Genetic Research, REPORTING ON HEALTH (Apr. 9, 2015)
Carolyn Gregoire, Want To Get Your DNA Tested? There's a Facebook App For That, HUFFINGTON POST (April 3, 2014)
Gene Project with Viral Potential, GENOMEWEB (Apr. 1, 2015)
Meghana Keshavan, UMich’s Facebook-Based Genomics Project Emulates 23andMe—Except It’s Free, MEDCITY NEWS (Apr. 1, 2015)
Virginia Hughes, A New Facebook App Wants To Test Your DNA, BUZZFEED (March 31, 2015) (requoted at KRMG News)
Christopher Shea, New Rules for Human-Subject Research Are Delayed and Debated, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (Nov. 3, 2014)
WNYT (Albany NBC affiliate) Nightly News (Oct. 24, 2014)
Christopher Zara, Facebook Healthcare Rumors Raise Eyebrows With ACLU, Medical Privacy Advocates, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES (Oct. 7, 2014)
Thomas Halleck, Facebook Changes User Experimentation Policy Following Mood Research Backlash, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES (Oct. 2, 2014)
Reed Albergotti, Facebook Changes Guidelines on User Experiments, WALL STREET JOURNAL (Oct. 2, 2014)
George Lawton, Why Is It Ethical Not to Test for Emotional Impact?, TORQUE (Sept. 8, 2014)
Vindu Goel, As Data Overflows Online, Researchers Grapple With Ethics, NEW YORK TIMES (Aug. 12, 2014)
Paul Voosen, In Backlash Over Facebook Research, Scientists Risk Loss of Valuable Resources, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (July 1, 2014)
Public Radio International's To the Point (starting at 42:00): Facebook Manipulates Your Feed and Your Emotional State (June 30, 2014)
Matthew Herper, Dear Facebook, Please Experiment on Me, FORBES.COM (June 30, 2014)
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai, Facebook Playing Your Feelings is Legal But ‘Creepy,’ Say Law Experts, MASHABLE (June 30, 2014)
Larry Zhou, Cornell University: We Didn't Review Facebook's Mood Manipulation Experiment, VENTUREBEAT (June 30, 2014)
Dan Weissmann, We Hate Facebook for Reminding Us It’s So Powerful, MARKETPLACE TECH (June 30, 2014)
Mark Walsh, 21st Century Fingerprinting: DNA from Arrested Suspects Is Like Any Valid Booking Process, SCOTUS Says, ABA JOURNAL 16–17 (Aug. 2013)
'Mystery Patient' Research: Ethically Justified or Not?, 29 MEDICAL ETHICS ADVISOR 61, 67–69 (June 2013)
Matthew Herper, Artist Creates Portraits from People's DNA. Scientists Say 'That's Impossible,' (May 31, 2013)
Emily Mullin, "As Consumer DNA Testing Grows, Two States Resist," MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW (Sept. 28, 2017)
"What Would Happen If Everyone in the World Lost Their Sex Drive?," GIZMODO (Sept. 18, 2017)
"Our Favorite Bioethicist, Michelle Meyer," Tech Tonics podcast (Aug. 8, 2016)
"A Shopper's Guide to Genome Sequencing Market," STAT's Signal podcast (Dec. 17, 2015)
Erika Check Hayden, Scientists Hope to Attract Millions to 'DNA.Land,' NATURE NEWS (Oct. 9, 2015)
"The Guinea Pig Problem," Oral Argument podcast (Aug. 28, 2015)
Luke Timmerman, Informed Consent Isn't Working. Sage, Apple Just Might Be On To Something Better, TIMMERMAN REPORT (Aug. 24, 2015)
"When Companies Experiment On Us," Public Radio International's Innovation Hub (Aug. 15, 2015)
Kaleigh Rogers, Anti-Vaxxers Have a Plan to Get Around California's New Vaccination Law, MOTHERBOARD (July 13, 2015)
The Tommy Schnurmacher Show, CJAD 800 AM in Montreal (June 24, 2015)
Daniela Hernandez, Scientists Could One Day Create Genetically Modified ‘Designer Babies’ — But Should They?, FUSION (June 17, 2015)
Erika Check Hayden, Consumer DNA Firms Get Serious About Drug Development, NATURE NEWS (Apr. 28, 2015)
This Week in Health Law podcast (Apr. 22, 2015)
Virginia Hughes, Is This Doctors App A Digital Classroom—Or Medical Porn?, BUZZFEED (Apr. 17, 2015)
Susan Gilbert, Facebook’s Foray Into Genetic Research, REPORTING ON HEALTH (Apr. 9, 2015)
Carolyn Gregoire, Want To Get Your DNA Tested? There's a Facebook App For That, HUFFINGTON POST (April 3, 2014)
Gene Project with Viral Potential, GENOMEWEB (Apr. 1, 2015)
Meghana Keshavan, UMich’s Facebook-Based Genomics Project Emulates 23andMe—Except It’s Free, MEDCITY NEWS (Apr. 1, 2015)
Virginia Hughes, A New Facebook App Wants To Test Your DNA, BUZZFEED (March 31, 2015) (requoted at KRMG News)
Christopher Shea, New Rules for Human-Subject Research Are Delayed and Debated, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (Nov. 3, 2014)
WNYT (Albany NBC affiliate) Nightly News (Oct. 24, 2014)
Christopher Zara, Facebook Healthcare Rumors Raise Eyebrows With ACLU, Medical Privacy Advocates, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES (Oct. 7, 2014)
Thomas Halleck, Facebook Changes User Experimentation Policy Following Mood Research Backlash, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES (Oct. 2, 2014)
Reed Albergotti, Facebook Changes Guidelines on User Experiments, WALL STREET JOURNAL (Oct. 2, 2014)
George Lawton, Why Is It Ethical Not to Test for Emotional Impact?, TORQUE (Sept. 8, 2014)
Vindu Goel, As Data Overflows Online, Researchers Grapple With Ethics, NEW YORK TIMES (Aug. 12, 2014)
Paul Voosen, In Backlash Over Facebook Research, Scientists Risk Loss of Valuable Resources, CHRON. OF HIGHER ED. (July 1, 2014)
Public Radio International's To the Point (starting at 42:00): Facebook Manipulates Your Feed and Your Emotional State (June 30, 2014)
Matthew Herper, Dear Facebook, Please Experiment on Me, FORBES.COM (June 30, 2014)
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai, Facebook Playing Your Feelings is Legal But ‘Creepy,’ Say Law Experts, MASHABLE (June 30, 2014)
Larry Zhou, Cornell University: We Didn't Review Facebook's Mood Manipulation Experiment, VENTUREBEAT (June 30, 2014)
Dan Weissmann, We Hate Facebook for Reminding Us It’s So Powerful, MARKETPLACE TECH (June 30, 2014)
Mark Walsh, 21st Century Fingerprinting: DNA from Arrested Suspects Is Like Any Valid Booking Process, SCOTUS Says, ABA JOURNAL 16–17 (Aug. 2013)
'Mystery Patient' Research: Ethically Justified or Not?, 29 MEDICAL ETHICS ADVISOR 61, 67–69 (June 2013)
Matthew Herper, Artist Creates Portraits from People's DNA. Scientists Say 'That's Impossible,' (May 31, 2013)